Hawthorne Berry Tincture
Hawthorne Berry has been used for centuries to uplift and strengthen the heart as well as support a healthy cardiovascular function. Safe for use in pregnancy, Hawthorne Berry tincture has been widely used by midwives to treat mild gestational hypertension.
Hawthorne Berry must be at work in the body for about six weeks to be effective.
Excellent if used in combination with our Healthy Heart tea.
Regular dosage given by known herbalist Susan Weed is 15 drops three times per day.
Ingredients: Hawthorne Berry Tincture, Grain Alcohol
It is not the role of Alfalfa Field Apothecary to diagnose or treat medical conditions. While it is the belief of Alfalfa Field Apothecary that this tea is safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding, any herb or supplement taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding should be discussed with your midwife or doctor.